Service Level Agreement.


The service is structured around features/modules such as:

  • Psychometric tests: Tests that collect information about the abilities, knowledge, skills, and other behavioral or cognitive aspects of an employee or candidate for a job position. The results of these tests are intended to help with decision-making in Human Resource Management Processes.
  • Functionalities  for managing psychometric tests
  • An API available for connecting to other existing systems. 

Ambition Profile may launch new features to improve the Services.

Customers are entitled to all the functionality that they are granted according to the Terms of Service, for the whole term of the agreement. In addition to this, improvements and updates to functionality may be implemented to the service free of charge. However, in cases where third party functions or other functionalities beyond the basic provision are used, such as SMS authentication, management of e-mail volume beyond the basic volume, access to one’s own domain and/or database, etc., such additional costs beyond subscription fees shall be borne by the Customer. The basic provision includes storage of 100 MB in our database, 1GB of file data per employee, 1Kb of file data per candidate, and the handling of 200 e-mails per employee per year. Prices beyond the basic provision are available upon request.

Last revised May 16, 2022

Ambition Profile AB (“Ambition Profile”, “Supplier”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”), 556748-1220, provides services to customers (“Customer”, “Client”, “You”, “Your”) that primarily deal with Personnel Selection and Employee Management. In these terms, reference is made to the cloud service as a system, service, tool, product, and in these cases, the same delivery item is being referred to.

Supplier’s Delivery

Ambition Profile provides a cloud service that is continually being developed. The customer thus may receive continual access to upgrades and improvements of the service. Ambition Profile, therefore, reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to change the design, mode of operation, technical specifications, and other features of the services. Updates are communicated via e-mail to the customers’ administrators.

Supplier’s General Terms

Ambition Profile general terms for use of the service beyond what is mentioned in this SLA, are specified through the Terms of Service, which are available at If there is a conflict between the SLA and the Terms of Service, such Terms of Service will take precedence.

Ownership Rights to Data

Customers own all data and information they provide to the Ambitionprofile system. However, Ambition Profile has the right to improve its services by researching and studying anonymous (double-blind) parts of data collected from the uses of the service by the customers and users. If the subscription to the service is canceled, the information contained in the system may be exported to the clients according to pertinent data regulations.

We may access customer and user data related to the following:

  • Company information
  • Candidate information
  • Employee information
  • Information provided by users to the assessment processes
  • Assessment Results
  • How the websites to deliver the service are used

When a customer account is deleted, the Customer’s administrator has three months to download the Customer’s data before it is deleted. The deletion occurs automatically, and all data is removed from the system. EQ Supplies makes a backup that is saved for three additional months following the first three-month window.

When a user account is deleted, the user will be unable to log in. After three months of the deletion of a user’s account, all data concerning the user is deleted from the database. Backups retain the information for three months before all information is deleted, counting from the date that the user is deleted. This means that Ambition Profile saves data on users for at most 6 months following deletion. Ambition Profile reserves the right to conduct research on such data after it becomes anonymized.

The customer is required to agree to Ambition Profile’ Privacy Policy for use of the service.

Support and Service

Ambition Profile commits to providing support to customers for all issues that may be related to uses of the service. Support via e-mail is available to registered users of the service. An administrator registered with the customer is also entitled to general support by telephone during normal working hours on business weekdays.

Process for Handling Incidents

In the event of a stoppage of operations, an e-mail will be sent to affected users. In this e-mail, the cause will be described, along with an indication of when it is estimated that the service will be accessible again. Access shall be delivered in accordance with the SLA.

  • A support query will be set up via the web or e-mailed to
  • A support case will be set up at Ambition Profile Helpdesk.
  • In the event of technical problems, a development case will be created:
    • The technical case will be classified on a scale of Normal/Serious/Critical/Block
    • Critical and Block cases will receive the highest priority and will be resolved during the same working day in most cases
  • Feedback on the case will be sent to the user via e-mail and, if applicable, by telephone.


Ambition Profile utilizes Amazon’s cloud service for operating the applications used to deliver Ambition Profiles’ services. Ambition Profile guarantees the availability of service 99% of the time, 24 hours a day, throughout the year. When any errors are reported, Ambition Profiles aims to commence troubleshooting within a 24-hour period, during working hours. Ambition Profiles´ servers are located within the European Union. Ambition Profile makes reasonable efforts to minimize times when its services may be made unavailable, for example, owing to planned or unplanned operation shut-downs for necessary service and maintenance. The customer will be notified at reasonable timing of a planned shut-down.

We recommend downloading the newest version of your preferred browser for the best experience. Ambition Profile supports the following browsers: Chrome 18 and later versions, Firefox 24 and later, Safari 7 or later, Microsoft Edge and Edge Chromium, and Internet Explorer 11.


Ambition Profile works to deliver good quality services, where the goals are that (i) the service shall meet the customer’s specific reasonable requirements; (ii) the service will be uninterrupted, fast, and secure; (iii) the results that can be obtained from uses of the service will be accurate and reliable; (iv) the quality of all products, services, information or other material purchased or obtained by the customer through the service will meet expectations; and (v) any errors in the service will be corrected. Ambition Profile does not accept responsibility for direct, indirect, unforeseen, special, typical damage, or consequential damage of any nature if the aforementioned goals are not met. However, if Ambition Profile is found to be directly liable for damages by a court with jurisdiction, a refund may be paid, though limited to what was actually paid by the customer for the service for six (6) months immediately before the damage occurred.


Ambition Profile uses servers with a high level of security to protect applications and information in the service. For communication with the system, we use security certificates over the SSL protocol (https), which increases the security of data communication, including all data transmitted over the internet in encrypted form. The service has built-in password policy management, as well as management of two-step authentication. In addition, the possibility of IP restriction, as well as the possibility of obtaining separate server installations, are offered. Backup occurs 8 times a day, along with additional monthly backups.

Ambition Profile regularly performs security tests of the service. Upon request, a security document will be provided to the customer that describes the Ambition Profile security structure in more detail. Further information is also available for reading at


Ambition Profile AB